Morrells Case Study

Client Overview:

Morrells Woodfinishes is a renowned manufacturer of high-performance wood coatings and finishes, including paints, stains, lacquers, and other products designed to enhance durability and aesthetics. With a global reach, they cater to a diverse customer base of over 7000 clients worldwide.

Project Scope:

Morrells Woodfinishes approached Springfield Steel Buildings with a request to replace an existing steel storage building. Our responsibility encompassed the entire project lifecycle, from initial planning to demolition of the old structure and installation of the new one.


Challenges Faced:

The existing building was in a state of disrepair, inefficiently utilizing its allocated space. Springfield Steel Buildings aimed to rectify this by designing a more efficient and robust structure to take its place. The new building, measuring 24x14m, featured two PA doors and a 3.5m roller door, allowing forklifts and other transportation equipment to operate seamlessly. Unlike its predecessor, the new unit was constructed with a height of 5.8m, providing ample storage space and effectively fulfilling its intended purpose.


To execute the project successfully, we initiated the process with the demolition of the existing structure, creating space for ground remediation work. An added complication was the discovery that the original building was situated above a coal seam and had a culvert running beneath its footprint. To address this, we obtained coal authority reports to pinpoint the exact locations of the coal seam and the culvert. This information was crucial in designing a suitable foundation solution.

We opted for a raft foundation, specifically engineered to evenly distribute the weight of the new building. This approach minimized the risk of concentrated weight that could compromise the integrity of the culvert. With the foundations in place, we proceeded with the construction of the new steel storage building, ensuring that it met the highest standards of efficiency and safety.

Springfield Steel Buildings

We have successfully delivered a quality and efficient new product for Morrells, replacing their outdated structure to create more space for them to store their products. Our project has not only enhanced the client's operational capabilities but also addressed unique challenges related to ground conditions, showing our commitment to creating a reliable solution for our customers.

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